Experience First40 in the Wild

See for yourself what a Closure Map is all about.

Heidi Struve Currey and Mikalee Byerman are taking First40 on the road.

Both are sought-after, experienced keynote speakers and workshop facilitators. And now they’re helping audiences learn about First40 — to start some of those important First40 steps — with IRL guidance.

Learn at your own pace using the First40 Tools, sign up for a workshop or seminar, or join us for an upcoming keynote. You can also book us to speak to your group — we love helping others create their own closure maps.

Our Services

Let's see what we can do together!


We won’t get to all 40, but we’ll introduce you to some bite-size steps and inspire you to create your own closure map.


Book Heidi & Mikalee to introduce your group to the First40.

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