Build A Workshop

First40 Consultants will facilitate four 1-hour virtual sessions with up to 20 of your clients. 
The four sessions will cover the following topics:
  1. Introduction to your Closure Map
  2. Positive psychology and gratitude
  3. Tactical conversations with professionals & family
  4. The power of storytelling and documentation
Workshop Pricing Options:
  • $100 per participant for 4 sessions (minimum of 6 participants required)
    • Professional can pay 0-100% of the cost per person. (If not covering 100%, the professional must provide client contact email for billing purposes.)
    • First40 must receive full payment no less than 7 days prior to the start of the cohort.
  • $25 per participant per session for additional sessions beyond initial four
  • $240/hr fee to create custom content for additional sessions or alter content for existing sessions
Workbook Pricing:
  • $25 per participant (can be paid by professional or billed to client if email is provided)
Marketing Pricing:
  • $240 for co-branded templates to encourage client participation
  • $120 geographically specific resource list with professional listed

Please email [email protected] to build your custom community experience and receive a quote.